About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

So when I was 16 I had my first cigarette (absolutely awful too; choking and feeling pretty sick ƒ?? nauseous and light headed, but I was a good actor so to anyone else it would seem that I liked it and then one cigarette led to another ) ƒ?? Sound familiar? OK, fast forward 41 years, over 22,000 packs of Marlboro Red @ 1.5 packs a day, thatƒ??s some real cash. I took more and more trips to the doc in the last 10-15 years for respiratory problems; ear infections, flu, pneumonia, etc (more cash). I tried to stop smoking many times with patches, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, and just cold turkey quiting. Nothing worked; I would end up with a cigarette in my hand to calm my really bad nerves because of my hopeless addiction to nicotine. There was so much tar built up in my lungs (oxygen=energy) that even simple physical activity like a trip to the mall would leave me very tired. So the grim reaper had me by the hand, I knew it, and felt powerless to stop smoking. THEN; one day in the mall I saw the e-cig displayed as a safer alternative to smoking, started doing google searches about studies and it turns out the e-cig is VERY safe, containing ingredients used since the 1940s in food, medicine, ladies makeup, etc. which were approved by the FDA way back then. I guarantee you that these ingredients (PG/VG) are in your house right now! (text or email me for detailed info about the studies or @ https://www.facebook.com/UnitedVapersAgainstEcigaretteBan). THE E-CIG CHANGED MY LIFE! I stopped smoking painlessly and have had no desire for tobacco cigs, I am not exposing my family to 2nd hand smoke, and my mouth and clothes no longer smell like the bottom of an ash tray. Hereƒ??s the best part; I havenƒ??t been sick even once since I started vaping, my lungs are slowly repairing themselves, and my skin color returned to normal. I now wake up energized and ready for a busy day, life is once again great! So if you are a smoker, Vape! Nicotine addiction will not kill you but the 69 carcinogens/4000+ chemical compounds found in burning tobacco cigarettes will certainly give you a shorter life, if not kill you outright. After all my years of heavy smoking I am still comfortable with a low (6mg) nicotine e-juice. If you are not a smoker, you can vape too! Every e-juice manufacturer offers 0mg ( 0%) nicotine juice that comes in literally 100s of flavors. There is nothing quite like a good Mint/Bamskilicious vape. So when we meet up, lets have a vape and you can tell me about how you are doingƒ??because you know Iƒ??m doing great- Vaping! God Bless