This year on Father’s Day,my Son handed me a Blu disposable E-Cig as my gift. I immediately took it as a hint,well one more hint. The hints have been happening for years by all 4 of my children. If you have not figured what the hint is yet,it is to quit smoking. I was in the process of quitting by smoking one less cig each day. I was down to 5 a day max and then Father’s Day came. The Blu disp. lasted me about one day. When it ran out instead of buying a pack of cigs I bought another Blu and then went online looking for a E-Cig kit that I can refill. I found an Ego dual coil kit and purchased it along with some liquid. The first liquid I purchased was 24mg nicotine strength. On my second order I reduced the strength down to 18mg. And All is still good with the lower strength. My next order will be 12mg and I intend to lower the strength on each order until I get to 0mg nic. I am 53 years of age and have smoked since I was 13. Thats 40 years of cigarettes and the last 14 of them included health problems because of cigs. I have tried everything on the market to try to stop and none worked. Well,none until my Son brought me the E-Cig. I have not smoked a cigarette since this past Father’s Day. If anything should be taken off the market,that should be the poisoned cigarettes that have taken many lives throughout many years. I hereby testify that E-Cigs are safe and a better alternative to conventional cigarettes. Also I have not felt out of breath any longer while I do my exercises. I don’t wake up hacking up a lung any longer either. To ban E-cigs and continue to sell and TAX cigarettes would be an infringement on our constitutional rights and a health risk to all citizens. Harold Nichols Ephrata PA.