About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I started smoking when I was 15 years old. By the time I really wanted to quit, I was hopelessly addicted, and my health was declining as a result. I was a heavy smoker (2 packs per day), and the only thing that has helped me quit, and thus improve my quality of life, was e cigarettes. Within one month of purchasing my first e cigarette, I was able to finally leave my traditional cigarette addiction behind forever. After smoking for half of my life, this was a huge feat, and I feel I owe my life and improving health to e cigarettes. My family is also very relieved, as they too have witnessed the overall benefits of e cigarettes over traditional cigarettes. I can breathe normally again, my sleep apnea has resolved, I am not tired all of the time, and I can enjoy physical activities again. Even my food tastes better, since my taste buds are no longer deadened by burning smoke. Exercise, which would have seemed insurmountable before e cigarettes, is allowing me to keep in shape. I don’t have any scientific evidence to present; I just know how I feel, and I feel as if I have a new lease on life. Although I am not a parent, I know someone who is, and was a smoker. Even though she knew the ill effects of traditional smoking, she could not stop. When I introduced her to e cigarettes, she was delighted. It took her ONE WEEK to get off cigarettes for good, and she will now live longer for her children, and their exposure to second hand smoke is no longer a concern. I don’t know if I will give up e cigarettes in the near future, but that is my goal. I have already started to taper down the amount of nicotine in my e liquid, with great success. The ingenious part of e cigarettes is that I can continue to vape at the same frequency, but reduce the amount of nicotine at the same time. It makes the quitting process so much easier, and I will eventually taper down to 0 nicotine. I started at 18 mg, and have reduced down to 6 mg already; I have been vaping for less than one year. I truly believe e cigarettes will save the lives of smokers who switch to e cigarettes, and even those of non smokers who would have been affected by the second hand smoke. Please do not take e smoking away from me, and thousands, maybe millions of others who will live longer, better lives due to e cigarettes. How can e cigarettes be banned on the chance that it will harm the public, when the very real danger of traditional cigarettes remains legal? It’s simply not logical. What is logical is people living longer, and having the freedom to choose a smoking alternative that is better for everyone.