I am a 48-year-old female who smoked one to two packs of cigarettes a day for more than 30 years until five weeks ago. I tried to stop smoking many times. I ??went cold turkey?, used nicotine patches, tried hypnosis and at one point resorted to using prescription medication (Chantix) despite the unpleasant side-effects and was unsuccessful in every attempt. Not even the sight and sounds of my 69-year-old mother suffering from COPD was a strong enough deterrent to make me stop smoking cigarettes for more than a day or two even though I knew one day I would have the same health issues she has. I had already developed a chronic cough and had started wheezing, but still kept smoking. Just like my mother. Planning yet another attempt to stop smoking, I tried my first disposable electronic cigarette about 6 weeks ago. The taste of the Fin 1.6% nicotine disposable was not unpleasant and it curbed my nicotine craving enough that I decreased my use of tobacco cigarettes to two a day and began to consider electronic cigarettes as a viable alternative to smoking cigarettes. After researching electronic cigarettes online and speaking with people I know who were currently using them or had used them in the past, I decided to try them for one week and I am very satisfied with my decision. I used White Cloud Flings for a week then purchased a rechargeable White Cloud Cirrus 3 kit with 1.2% and 2.4% nicotine cartomizers. For the last five weeks I have not smoked any tobacco cigarettes and have had no desire to do so. The cough and the tightness in my chest are gone, I have more energy and stamina for exercise and I am more productive at my job because I do not take multiple ??smoke breaks? every day. From an aesthetic point of view, my skin looks clearer and my teeth are beginning to look less stained. More important to me than my own success, two weeks after I started using electronic cigarettes I convinced my mother to try a White Cloud Fling 2.4% nicotine. She has not smoked a tobacco cigarette since then. I am slowly seeing positive changes in her such as talking on the phone without a constant cough, walking on a treadmill and sleeping in her bed again (she slept in a recliner for the last year or so because she could not breathe while lying down). Although the damage tobacco cigarettes have done to her health is most likely irreversible, I am thankful that she is improving and has committed to not smoking cigarettes again. These statements are my own experiences. I am not in any way affiliated with White Cloud, Fin or any other electronic cigarette manufacturer or distributor. I have received no compensation or other benefit from any source for this information.