I’ve been a smoker since I was 13 years old…that was almost 30 years ago! 30 YEARS! I enjoyed smoking…you could say, I loved smoking. I smoked when I was bored, after eating, while driving, after sex…it was just the icing on the cake, so to speak. It helped me through some tough times…being stressed out was the perfect time to smoke. It gave you a few minutes to clear your head, ya know? But with that being said, I always felt tied down because of my smoking…almost trapped by the addiction. And as the years went on, I started feeling left out because I smoked…even looked down upon, because I was a smoker. They stopped letting you smoke in public places and restaurants, even made you stand X amount of feet away from a building if you wanted to smoke. Then there’s always been the whole thing with smelling like a dirty ashtray. YUCK! The smell is on your hair, your hands, on your clothes, in your car, in your house, on your breath. (Just think of the money I’ll save on breath mints alone!) I LOVE to smell good (huge perfume collection). And yet, it was ok to smell like cigarettes. Well, maybe not ok…but it was just something I dealt with, even though I was always conscience of it and paranoid of. I never really tried the gums, patches, pills to quit smoking. They were just as expensive as smoking. And again, I loved smoking. I didn’t think that chewing gum, slapping on a patch, or popping a pill would take care of the urge that not physically smoking would would create. So I didn’t bother. I always tried to wean myself off cigarettes and then quit. Or I’d try cold turkey. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I tried to quit! But it never worked for more than a few months, MAX. Most of the time I was only able to quit for a few days. The cravings would get to me so bad…and the moodiness…I swear I could have killed someone during those times. It was horrible! I saw a commercial on TV for Blu E-cigs and thought, Oh, here we go again! Another gimmick to waste money on. So, I didn’t bother even looking into them. Then I started seeing more and more companies with these little fake cigarettes and I started getting curious. hhhmmm maybe this could work. I mean, you’re still doing the physical movements…still inhaling…still blowing out smoke…hhhhmmm So I watched a few youtube videos and gave it some serious thought. My family and I went to a Summer party and there was a woman there puffing on an e-cig. I had seen her at the last party we went to and she had it with her then, too. So I thought I’d ask her about it and see what kind of info she could give me. I asked a ton of questions and she had a ton of answer. She gave me the name of the company she ordered from and I couldn’t wait to get home to look all this up online. The particular company she went with was rather expensive. So I researched a lot and found a reputable company with a price range I felt comfortable with. I was still kind of on the fence about it so I thought it over for about a week. During this time I found some disposable e-cigs and thought they’d be the perfect thing to try BEFORE ordering the kit. I mean, why spend THAT much money on something you don’t know will work or that you’ll even like, right? So I tried a disposable one and to my surprise, really liked it! I knew right away that this would be the way I would FINALLY be able to drop those nasty cigarettes! So I ordered their starter kit I had been looking at. I was so excited! I couldn’t wait for the kit to get here. As soon as the mailman put it in the box, I was outside retrieving it! I rushed inside, cut open the box, eeewww’d & aaahhhh’d over the pieces, put the cartridge on the battery and took my first draw. MAN! It was JUST like smoking! I couldn’t believe it! But, it was BETTER than smoking! Better for my health and those around me. I could do it in the house. I didn’t smell like a dirty ashtray. And it was WAY cheaper than regular cigarettes! I was one happy camper, let me tell ya! I have only been using e-cigs for 2 weeks. But I KNOW that I will never smoke cigarettes again! Why would I? The day I picked up the e-cig is the day I laid down the real ones. And I don’t miss them one little bit! I think it may be too early to tell a difference in my health/breathing. But one thing I have noticed is I don’t get at hot as I used to. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with smoking or not. But it’s another huge plus for me. I get very cranky when I’m hot. Anywho, I’m not sure where this testimonial is going and who will be reading it. But, if you’re a smoker, do yourself and your loved ones a favor and look into e-cigs as a way to stop (or even cut down on) smoking. You may be surprised at how easy it is to toss those nasty things away…for good!