I smoked for 35+ years. About six months ago I purchased an e-cig starter kit. Within one week I quit tobacco cigarettes completely! I have no desire to ever smoke again. In fact, I was amazed how easy it was to switch to the e-cig. In just six months I feel better and I can take a deep breath without feeling like I have to cough. I feel the e-cig may have saved my life. Before buying the e-cig starter kit I read virtually every article I could find on-line. It was very easy to tell which articles were written by valid medical researchers and those by Big Tobacco Companies. Yes, it is true that there are no long-term studies on e-cigs because they haven’t been around long. All I can say is that medical researchers know what is in tobacco cigarettes and what is in e-cigs. One researcher compared e-cigs to tobacco cigarettes this way: I get nervous when my children play soccer, but I would rather they play soccer than play with live hand grenades. Another researcher was very upset with the FDA for comming down so hard on e-cigs. He strongly felt that e-cigs were without a doubt a much better alterternative than tobacco cigarettes. I sincerely hope that no one in any government agency is considering banning the e-cig or taxing them to the point of being unaffordable. In my opion that would be tantamount to murder.