About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I was a SERIOUS cigarette smoker, 2+ packs/day for 40 years. When I decided it was time to quit (age 59) I quit cold turkey. It was very difficult — but I did it. The important point here is: At the time, I knew nothing whatever about e-cigarettes. I did not use e-cigarettes as a cessation device. Furthermore, I question whether e-cigarettes constitute a wise approach to quitting smoking tobacco at all. Relying on a substitute strikes me as indicative of a lack of resolve. As evidence of this, I would point out that it takes time for tobacco cravings to disappear after quitting, especially for someone like myself (40 years is a long time). Consequently, when I discovered e-cigarettes a few weeks after quitting, I tried some disposables (Blu, Njoy, Logic) to help ease my cravings. They were very expensive and in no way satisfactory or worth the money. Most importantly, they did NOTHING to reduce tobacco cravings. These purely commercial mainstream products are borderline worthless. They may generate significant revenue for large corporations on the backs of unsuspecting consumers, but they are nevertheless of exceedingly poor quality — and of highly questionable use when quitting tobacco. Subsequently, I discovered the world of Personal Vaporizers, of which at the time I was ignorant. This is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT realm than commercial e-cigarettes and this distinction MUST be noted. Personal vaporizers are based on a wonderful new technology. I did some research and, after some trial and error purchases, eventually settled on a set of batteries, vapor chambers and nicely-flavored e-liquids. I discovered firsthand that they do indeed offer a fabulous way to quash any lingering urges to smoke tobacco. Now, I use my personal vaporizer on a daily basis. It induces no cravings nor compulsions, it is a simple matter of pure personal enjoyment. I can go for days without using it at all. Sure, I miss it, but I do not seek to smoke tobacco — and that is the whole point of the exercise! Consequently, having voluntarily given up tobacco and purged my system of its chemical artifacts, I am in excellent health as a result. For the first time in four decades of chain-smoking cigarettes, my lungs are clear. I have plenty of reserve energy and stamina, no coughing, wheezing, hacking or spitting. I am able to make informed, objective choices. Thus, I use the personal vapor technology for my own edification, with no harmful side effects whatsoever. The bottom line is: I quit smoking because I chose to do so. E-cigarettes played no role in that decision. However, the personal vapor technology (which now effectively thrives via a sub-culture of knowledgeable users) is a magnificent engineering achievement. It is a perfect supplement for those like myself who have quit smoking tobacco, but still nevertheless enjoy a positive and healthy smoking experience. I think of my personal vaporizer as my reward for making the right decision.