My story is quite different, as mine was fighting the urge to pick up smoking. I worked around a lot of individuals who all consumed tobacco cigarettes on a daily basis, and the urge to pick it up was great, and on many occasions, I did consume myself. Then one day, an individual came in with a Blu Electronic Cigarette, and I started asking him questions about it, and I also tried his, and I found that it was much better than tobacco cigarettes, like I knew without research that somehow this must be a much better product, because the taste of the Vapor did not stick with me, like the taste of a Tobacco Cigarette does, even after mouthwash, chewing gum, and vigorously brushing my teeth. The vapor did not burn my tongue, so I knew that there had to be less harmful products in it. However, it was not at this moment that I quit smoking all-together. I still would go outside and hang around those that did, and smoked myself, until I asked the same individual where he got his, and he told me he got it in a gas station. On my way to this gas station, in January 2013, I stopped by the local Tobacco Store, to see if they carried any of these Electronic Cigarettes, as I wanted to try them, to kick the habit that I was spiraling into. I found that they indeed sold disposable ones, and I picked up two of them on that day to try for myself, one of them was a Tsunami E-Hookah Red Alert (Cherry), and the other was a Tsunami 6mg, Standard Tobacco flavor. I then starting using these disposables, and knew on that day they were a ‘game changer’. I no longer felt the urge or the craving that I had when I was not at work, to step outside for a quick cigarette, instead I could use this indoors, and my breath and smell was no longer offensive to my wife. I then began to research electronic cigarettes even more, and found out about another company, V2 Cigs, which sold starter kits, and sealed cartomizers with flavored nicotine liquid. I picked up the smallest starter kit, and was disappointed at them, but during this time, my research intensified exponentially, as I began to search for new alternatives, and it was at this moment I discovered a new device, and I spiraled into a new direction, a much healthier one, electronic cigarettes. To control my addiction for nicotine, I also discovered snus, and I tried this healthier alternative, but it simply was not enough. What I wanted was nicotine, and the delivery method had to be from a cigarette, not a little pouch. Maybe I developed a hand-to-mouth complexion, and cigarettes resolved that. Whatever happened, electronic cigarettes has stopped me from taking on a much deadlier habit, which is guaranteed to kill me. Now I can enjoy a healthy, productive life, and I feel much better. Since January, I have successfully saved 2 lives, as they came to me for knowledge, and I gave them that, and those 2 lives both quit cigarettes for good. The greatest thanks a person could ever recieve is not verbal, it is knowing your actions directly affected another person’s life in a positive way. In this way, I say thank you to CASAA for fighting for us, for our right to enjoy Nicotine, which is no more harmful than caffeine, and to do so safely, without the extra 4,000 plus chemicals that cigarettes fill our lungs with. I also want to thank the manufacturers that take time to produce quality products, for keeping their users informed as to what they put in their products. I know every single chemical that I am taking into my body when I use my electronic cigarette, and none of them have been shown to cause cancer, or other harm. This truely has changed my life, and saved me from a smoke filled life.