About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Hello, I had been smoking 23 years and when I hit my mid thirties, I decided it was time to give up the cigarettes. I tried the expensive patches, nasty tasting gum, acupuncture, hypnosis, I finally decided that id quit trying to quit. I started to suffer from smokers asthma, and then I went to my doctor and he prescribed me Chantix. Not a good idea for me, I was smoke free for about 2 weeks and then I started having horrible dreams and had a hard time telling what reality was. So I went off the Chantix. Then a friend of mine introduced me to electronic cigarettes, Personal vaporizers. I thought they wouldn’t work for me but I was getting desperate and wanted to try and be able to walk up a flight of stairs with out getting winded. So I took the jump and purchased a small kit with some flavored nicotine liquids. My friend helped me get started and after a few days of using the liquids, I didn’t really crave cigarettes. I started to learn more about personal vaporizers, liquids, and tools to help and now at the time of this writing, I’ve been cigarette free for over 2 months. This is the longest I have ever gone with out a cigarette since I started smoking. In the last 2 months, I no longer need to carry my inhaler for my asthma, I can run up stairs with out getting winded, I don’t smell like a dirty ashtray, my kids actually like to hand out with me because I don’t embarrass them with my cigarettes. I am truly happy that I was introduced to e cigarettes and the health benefits of quitting tobacco with e cigarettes. I still get a little nicotine to aid in the craving reduction and my mood, plus the hand to mouth thing and the visual of seeing the vapor come out of my mouth. Not to mention that its a ton cheaper than cigarettes. So now I’m saving money too!!