I started smoking when I was eleven years old. Thought it was cool. I began having an embarassing hacking cough around the age of 30. It was very embarassing and at times I could not control it. I enjoyed smoking though. I am not one of those that quit because of my health.. I quit because my husband (a smoker for 40+ years 2+ packs a day) wanted to quit.. I couldnt have quit, wouldnt have quit but for his encouragment. We took chantix and it worked… for the most part. I continually fought the urge to smoke again. Cigarettes were my tension reliever, my nerve pill if you will, my boredom buster, and truly my best friend.. After falling off the wagon several times my husband bought me two BLU Cigs and I enjoyed it. His brother a smoker for 40+ years had begun vaping and had not smoked since. We did some research on it and found that it was to be alot safer than smoking cigarettes as I had already made my mind up, that I needed and would go get the thing I had craved so long, cigarettes… We ordered a kit and some liquid and Ive not given a second thought to going to purchase cigarettes. The tobacco companies lose another loyal customer…. hooray for me and I owe my lungs and health to my husband… By the way… after only three weeks of not smoking, that embarrassing hack, was gone and it has not returned.