I am a 54 year old woman who started smoking at age 16 while at college. I started college early??so am intelligent, but the full implications of smoking were not fully broadcast/known at the time??plus nicotine both helped me stay alert for late nights of studying ( I lived independently at age 18, was in college FT and worked PT, so sleep was rare!), plus (I thought!) made me look ??older?. I progressed to smoking about 1 pack a day??ultra-lights, but that was plenty enough to hook me. Over the years, through *much* will-power required, I??ve quit for months (sometimes 1-2 years) at a time (pregnancies, and just attempts to be rid of the mess/health risks associated with smoking)??I??ve done nicotine lozenges, the patch, cut-down then cold turkey, Chantix ?? have probably quit at least 7 or 8 times??but given my husband also smokes and it??s a definite weakness area for me when stressed, I??ve always fallen back into the habit, much to my own disgust. Each quit was really, really difficult for different reasons ?? willpower & withdrawal symptoms always being an issue, but also I??m allergic to the adhesives in the patch (so dealt with hives/open sores), lozenges/gum just never were a bit assist for me, cold turkey was awful??and Chantix also was something to which I was allergic (after week 2, hives and breathing issues)??so while I persevered, and managed to stay quit for the short term afterwards, the process was painful each and every time, I was absolutely miserable, which meant that the will-power required for any subsequent attempt had to be that much greater. The e-cigarette experience was one which initially, I had little hope in, given my previous experiences, but I am determined to not expose myself to the toxins in regular cigarettes ?? especially after battling a bout of cancer. I approached this with the thought that well, I??ll try this one but won??t set myself up for disappointment (the self-ridicule when one fails is horrible! Trust me, nothing which anyone can say to you to express their disappointment comes close to the disappointment which you have in *yourself* when you lose yet another quit!). Well??I tried it??and told myself that if I had a desire for a cigarette, I??d try the e-cig first and then, would allow myself a regular cigarette if it didn??t satisfy??that never happened, much to my surprise! This was the most stress-free and withdrawal-free quit which I??ve ever done and I??m *clean*, haven??t had a tobacco cigarette since I got the e-cig starter kit which I??d purchased. I love the freedom that this brings??I smell good, I don??t have to stress about my breath, I??ve even noticed that at gym, my heart rate on the treadmill has dropped over 10 points for the same routine (can??t wait for my next well-care exam since I suspect that my blood pressure ?? which was beginning to show signs of borderline high ?? is back to normal now)??I??m soooo relieved??while yes, I still am getting the nicotine, at least I??ve eliminated the health risks and nastiness associated with real cigarettes, which was my primary concern here in any event. Nicotine, while I wished I wasn??t addicted, in of itself is not a huge health concern, which any doctor will tell you, unless you have cardiac arrhythmia issues perhaps ?? which I don??t. For *me*, this product has been my ticket out of the nightmare! I??m not the ??testimonial? type??but given there has been talk about regulation of this product which might limit access, I felt motivated to send this in ?? please do not limit this option for me and many others! The health risk with vaping is estimated to drop to 1% of smoking??and from what I??ve heard, read and experienced personally, the success rate greatly exceeds that of other cessation/substitution options. Should I ever quit vaping??and feel the need to ??slip? again, I can tell you that it would be to an e-cig rather than to a regular cigarette??and I hope that this option remains available to me!