Doing anything for almost 40 years, it is hard to stop, but stopping smoking is something I failed at time and again. Once I switched to e-cigs, I smoked one cigarette a day until that last pack was finished and have not touched them since. Methods are not for me. E-cigs and vaporizing are not methods to quit smoking, they are simply substitutes that by all accounts including my own seem to be 99.9% healthier than smoking. I know this, because I can breathe again. Perhaps it is a method if you wish to quit nicotine, but I still use it, only now a lot more safely and enjoyably (and now I also use less). How the hell many legal drugs are left anyway? Get it while you can. Now, after only a few months of e-cigs and vaporizing, I know as long as I have my home-made e-juice, a good tank, and a fresh battery, I will never need to run to the corner store for a pack of smokes ever again. The initial investment for supplies is like 3 or 4 cartons of cigarettes but after that, I can see that I will be saving a bundle. No way, I thought, there is just no way anything like this could feel and taste like an actual cigarette and be safe, or at least a lot safer. But damned if it isn’t true, hard-core smokers need only try it for themselves.