About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I smoked for over 30 years, usually between 30-40 cigarettes a day, sometimes as many as 60 during high stress periods. I began to have difficulty taking deep breaths without coughing, and knew it was slowly killing me. I found the electronic alternative in 2008 after seeing a web page about it. Like many others, I started with an inferior product, but I immediately knew it had a tremendous potential to help me. I joined an on-line forum and learned what everything was about, including the relative harmlessness of the ingredients used to make vapor. Since that time I have graduated to the latest innovations in batteries and vapor production devices. My open minded doctor says my lungs are clear as a bell and has listed me as non-smoker, despite my continued use of the electronic alternatives. I see no harm in judicious nicotine usage, and there is no proven harm in the other ingredients necessary to produce vapor. In my (and countless others options) other smoking cessation methods simply do not provide the delivery method required for most long term smokers to cease smoking. The electronic alternative has been instrumental in restoring my lung function and overall wellness. Any interference from well meaning government regulatory agencies, or ill-informed civilian groups will be detrimental to countless people like me, who have found this to be a Godsend.