I smoked for approximately 40 years; averaging between 1 and 2 packs a day. Managed to quit one of the dozen times I tried with the patches for two years but a combination of stressors and being around family/friends that smoked lured me back in. I’ve previously tried the nicotine gum which caused dental (gum) issues and my physician would not prescribe Chantix for me due to my medical condition. I took care of an aunt who died in 2009 of lung cancer from smoking and really wanted to find a way to quit. I started using a Personal Vaping Device (PV) on June 1, 2013. My last tobacco cigarette was smoked May 31, 2013. My first device (e-cig) was from an online vendor and very similar to what my younger brother was using; an Ego battery with a clearomizer. It looked nothing like a cigarette, which is what I wanted. I had previously decided that I was not interested in trying to replicate the taste of cigarettes and picked up some 12mg peppermint e-juice. After a month of vaping, I was able to reduce my nicotine level from 12mg down to 6mg. I’m hoping to be down to 3mg or 0mg of nicotine by the end of the year. I dislike the term e-cigarette; what I use is a nicotine replacement device or smoke-free alternative. I don’t smoke it as there’s nothing burning , I inhale a vaporized mist. I have not had a tobacco cigarette since I started vaping and cannot see myself going back. Yes, there have been days I’ve almost smoked a cigarette, but I was able to resist. If I find myself vaping more than normal due to a stressor, I am able to use 0mg e-juice and have the comfort of my normal vaping routine without an increase in nicotine comsumption. That can’t be done with traditional cigarettes. Within 2 weeks of quitting tobacco, I found my sinuses were not bothering me like they were; the nasty cough I had was starting to go away and my sense of smell was starting to improve. I feel so much better than I did. The only down side I’ve found to vaping is I’m eating more than I used to since food tastes so much better now! The vendor I purchase my e-juice from is very transparent about what is used: PG, VG (both food grade), nicotine and flavorings that do not include dyes. I couldn’t start to tell you even 1/100th of the things in traditional tobacco cigarettes! I hope the FDA doesn’t let big tobacco companies and pharmaceutical companies fill them with false information. The FDA should take the time to review the medical studies that have been (and continue to be) done on how less harmful vaping/smoke-free alternatives are to traditional cigarettes and/or do their own study ran by impartial researchers with no ties to tobacco, pharmaceutical or vaping ties.