My name is Ron Major. I am a 26 year old Male from Alberta Canada and I have successfully quit smoking using electronic cigarettes. I was previously a smoker of 10 years. I had tried numerous times to quit smoking, with patches, nicotine gum and mints, nicotine inhalers, hypnosis and magnetic therapy. In my personal experience, no smoking cessation product could quite simulate the authentic hand to mouth experience of smoking a traditional tobacco cigarette. I had tried many times over these ten years to quit; patches made me physically ill, gum did nothing, nicotine mints did nothing, the inhaler made me want to smoke more than I had previously, and hypnosis and magnets were a waste of a large sum of money for no real benefit at all. In 2011 I heard from online media and some friends about a new product on the market by a company called Blu. It was an electronic cigarette, or a personal vaporizer. I had thought about a product like this before some years earlier and wondered why no such thing had existed. Being a technology enthusiast I was pretty quick to pick it up and try it out. Now, if I’m honest here, in the early stages of electronic cigarettes, there were a lot of kinks in the design that had to be worked out. I tried a Blu. I tried a few other Chinese vendors, one of which made a product called Super Cigarette, and it just wasn’t doing it for me. I went back to smoking. After trying many analog equivalents over the course of the next two years, I was introduced to a product called the Ego-C by a company called Joyetech. By this time, in late 2012 I had begun to change my diet to a vegan diet, and had not drank in over a year. I felt myself fighting the desire to stop smoking as I thought it was my one last vice. My only bastion of rest and relaxation in a newly devoted and busy lifestyle. My past experiences with electronic cigarettes had left me wanting, well a cigarette. Hesitantly I picked up an Ego-C kit from a local corner store, and set out to find nicotine juice. After picking some up from a friend I discovered the Ego-C product left me not only satisfied in my cigarette cravings, but it also allowed me to try different flavors and find something that suited my needs. I eventually lowered my nicotine level in my e liquid (from 24mg to 18mg), and have been using electronic cigarettes since. As of now I am six months completely tobacco free. That is to say that I have not had one cigarette since beginning to use the Ego-C product, and I have since upgraded my equipment, and still lowered my nicotine level in my juice (from 18 to 12mg). I have an assortment of personal vaporizers now, which I use on different days, or to achieve a different desired effect. I appreciate the craftsmanship of the devices, as well as their elegance and the hobbyist approach to setting up and using a new device. Much in the same way a pipe smoker would enjoy setting up their bowl, with different pipes, and different tobaccos. Overall, my running, yoga, and other activities have benefited from using an electronic cigarette. I am not an expert but I know my body pretty well and I can gauge my overall performance and endurance in the range of 40% better than it used to be. Something I have attested to on the electronic cigarette forum on different occasions. The only downfall I have ever had is that I have had to increase the amount of water I drink (which is actually a good thing) to keep myself better hydrated in a situation where I am using an electronic cigarette more than normal. Overall, I am now more active than ever, happy with the choice I have made and feeling rejuvenated. I have enjoyed using my personal vaporizers, and it has given me a hobby, and a renewed outlook on my overall personal health.