I started smoking at the age of 12. By the age of 15 I was smoking a pack a day. That lasted for 23 years.I had tried the patch, gum, and cold turkey numerous times but was not able to kick the habit. I heard about vaping (Electronic Cigarettes) by stumbling upon a thread on the website Reddit. It sounded interesting, so I started doing some research about the positive experiences that multiple people had had. I gave it a shot, and ordered an Ego-c starter set and some juices. I started with a 12mg nicotine strength, but continued to smoke. After about a month i stopped the e cig as I felt it wasn’t helping me. I decided to give it another shot with some different juices and a stronger dose of nicotine. I quit regular cigarettes about a week after changing juice and nicotine strength. That was over 3 weeks ago, and I have not had a cigarette since. I feel better, I can breath easier, and I am regaining a sense of smell that I didn’t even know would come back. And most importantly, I will be around longer to spend time with my family. And I couldn’t say