About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Forty Years (40)of smoking has finally come to a stop. I was just 14 years old when I started smoking. Over the years I have tried time and time again to quit but with no success. My wife and I both smoked and one day my wife came home with a kit of e-cigs. It consisted of two ego batteries, two clearamizer and one bottle of mental flavored liquid. We had both been looking for a way to quit. Here is the eye open, just a couple of months before, I was notice lumps below my jaw on both sides. I went to the Doctor to see if it they were just swollen glands. After biopsy on both side of my neck, it turned out not to be cancer. What was found was Warthin’s Tumors. We did some studying on the subject and found out that one of the possible cause for them was Smoking. So after two Operations, fours hours each time on the operating table and they are gone. I have a scare on each side of my neck, from my ear down my neck six inches. So about 10 days before the second operation I quit smoking using the E-cig device. It worked like a charm. This was a month and a half ago. I can feel the difference in how I sleep, no more wheezing, no more morning cough and my teeth are not as yellow for the smoking. Using this method of vaporizing a flavored liquid has change my life and just may have been the beginning to adding years back on to my life. I do know one thing, it is that the smoking of tobacco would have lead to many for complication in my future. Thank you to the inventor for finally finding a way to get away for tobacco. I have tried all the other methods that the FDA has approved and not one of them has worked for me or my wife. Those other methods just gave us nightmares, depression and bad tasting gum. Thomas Dube Deltona, Florida