I will be 32 years old in July of 2013. I started smoking the day I turned 18. I was a 2 pack a day or more smoker. To be honest I did not really want to quit as I enjoyed the act of social smoking, but I knew I should. I tried gum and patches. I even tried some special cigarettes that had lower nicotine content designed to get you to zero nicotine. They sort of helped but I still wanted a cigarette and before I knew it I was out buying more cigarettes and was smoking more than before I had tried to quit. In April of 2008 just a few months after my son was born my father died unexpectedly. Complication from pneumonia, I??m sure his longtime smoking habit didn??t help. Once again I tried to quit and failed. My father died and I still could not manage to quit this habit. Fast forward to 2012 on a whim I bought a blu starter kit at a local convenience store. To be honest it did not work great, but I thought I was on to something. So I did some research and found a company called smokeless image. I purchased a starter kit and patiently waited for it to arrive with some tobacco flavored liquid. It was great but I struggled a little bit. I finally found a flavor that I love (orange creamcicle) and a device that works perfectly for me (provari). I have been smoke free for over a year now and don??t see it stopping as long as I have my provari in hand. I really enjoy the fact that I know longer have a terrible cough. I also don??t get winded going up some stairs. I have also stopped getting sick as often. I do not intend to quit using my electronic cigarette. I don??t want to start smoking again, but that is what I am afraid will happen. If I don??t have access to the devices and liquid that finally let me be rid of traditional cigarettes.