About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I began smoking at 18, right after graduating high school. It was initially just socially and maybe one to start the day, but quickly became a frequent habit. My smoking habits became worse in college, with increased socializing and drinking. I attempted to quit multiple times, but always came back due to friends. The tipping point came when my wife and decided to have a child. We both decided we needed to quit, but neither of us wanted any medications to help. I had done research on electronic cigarettes before, but didn’t find much of a push to them until we got pregnant. When my wife got pregnant she quit smoking and I switched to ecigs. During the first six months of the switch I would have an analog cigarette maybe once a month and hated it every time. I haven’t had an analog cigarette since and never plan to go back. I feel much better since the switch. I can breath when I wake up, I don’t stink and my family is very happy that I no longer a smoker.