I was started smoking when I was 15 years old due to peer pressure and the fact that my father smoked. Have smoked consistently up until 3 months ago. I have tried Chantix, nicotine gum, patches and wellbutrin to help me quit smoking. I am now 40 years old and after a good friend of mine died at 44 due to complications with smoking I started using electronic cigarettes in the form of a vaporizing mod. I bought my first device on April 8th and have not lit a cigarette since. I am going on 3 months tobacco free. I started with 18mil of nicotine and in 3 months have gone down to using 6mil and even 0mil grams of nicotine in my device. I have teenage children and they have witnessed me struggle with cigarettes, in fact me wife took my kids and I out for a special trip this past week to celebrate the fact that I have quit smoking. I sometimes even go hours upon hours during the day with out using my e-cig. I even went 2 full days a week or so ago just to see if I could do it and I did. without ecigs I would still be smoking because sadly, I was just not strong enough to kick the habit on my own. Mike Dimmitt Business owner/father/husband/non-smoker