I’ve smoked for over 30 years. Through those years I’ve tried to quit a number of times. I’ve used nicotine gum, lozenges, Chantix, laser therapy, and hypnosis. Even after being diagnosed with breast cancer, I couldn’t quit smoking and you get to feeling pretty stupid smoking as you leave the radiation center. Then my nephew sent me an e-cigarette setup. I continued to smoke while I tried it. It gave me confidence that I could actually quit. After about a week, I simply quit buying cigarettes. I’ve now been smoke free since February 14, 2013. I have reduced my nicotine level from 18mg to 6mg. E-cigarettes are working for me because you still get the sensation of smoking, without the hazards of tobacco smoke. It’s cheaper than smoking, and tastes a far sight better than cigarettes. The wide array of options in equipment and e-juice and the support of the vaping community have all contributed to my success. The allergies and sinus infections that have plagued me for years have disappeared. I can breathe again without wheezing. THIS WORKS! If legislators are sincere in helping people, they need to support this effort rather than hinder it, or just get out of the way. Vape On!!