About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I started smoking at the age of 12. A few cigarettes, smoked for the cool factor, grew into a pack a day habit by 16. Over time my habit became an embarrassment. Dating non-smokers, working with non-smokers, wheezing during physical activities – it was always a challenge not to smell like a stink-bomb or get up the side of hill at the same speed as everyone else. In my late 20’s I started quitting. Tried everything. Cold turkey (worked for a year), nicorettes (worked for a week). Thought about hypnosis and behavior modification. Read books, looked at black lungs, watched friends die of cancer or be forced into quitting by serious respiratory illnesses. But I kept on going back to the same ole cigarette. It was like a friend – and sometimes like a secret affair. I loved smoking – but I hated it too. I was a slave. My brother in law got ahold of an ecig in December 2009. He too struggled – even more. His journey to quitting had gone right into pharmaceuticals that nearly killed him. One week with an ecig and his cigarettes were gone. I watched then while my father, who smoked for 45+ years, picked up an ecig – put down his cigarettes and just never went back. What caught my attention is that they both really enjoyed ecigs. It wasn’t some hard program they had to strain and fight through. They loved it. Loved the flavors, loved the nicotine level choices, loved the crazy colors and styles. So in the spring of 2010 I picked up an ecig for the first time. It was a disposable. Not very satisfying. Struggled with it a lot. When I finally got ahold of an eGo style though – I feel in love with ecigs. Fell in love with crazy flavors of eliquid. I was hooked – and I could breath. Until today – the greatest thing for me with ecigs is that it’s a choice I can choose to make everyday. A good choice. One that comes with constantly evolving products that make the whole journey interesting.