I smoked cigarettes since I was 15 and I am going on 39 now. I was able to keep myslef to about a pack a day plus a few. It was really starting to take it’s toll on my health. In january of this year, 2013, I was introduced to an EGO-U e-cigarette. My friend had started using one and had given up cigarettes. She was very excited about it. Having tried e-cigs a couple years before and thinking they were terrible, I was a skeptic. I managed to find a retail store near me and gave a starter kit a try. It was like a night and day difference between this new e-cig and the one I had tried before. This was great. Satisfying and enjoyable. I liked smoking my cigs, I enjoyed smoking. Now I enjoy this more and why would I ever want to go back. I was able to toss my cigs and I have never picked up another. I have not had 1 cigarette since january 15’th 2013. My sense of smell returned in about 3 weeks and my breathing became easier. No coughing in the monrnigs. No hacking up half a lung each day. My house smells nice now, my car smells nice. The e-cig I picked up made a profound change in my life and I am so grateful. If these products were restricted for sale or heavily taxed it would be a slap in the face to every single person thinking about quitting smoking. These products have essentially given me back a large portion of my life. Thank you, Jason Wells Dallas, GA