About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

July of 2012 my wife approached me with her desire to stop smoking. My wife asked me to do it with her for support and I agreed. A target date to start Chantix was set for September 1st. I’ve tried countless times and thought this was only a good idea. Mid August I made a doctors appointment to get my prescription for Chantix. I came home from the appointment and started Chantix right away. I had to stop Chantix 2 1/2 days later. It made me sick and very depressed. I repeatedly heard a radio commercial advertising e-cigs (very bad name which I feel makes the personal vaporizer guilty by name association to traditional cigarettes) and decided I was going to stop in their store. I had experimented in the past with personal vaporizer. I purchased a variable volt Lava Tube from Volcano but due to a lack of knowledge on how to use it, it was ineffective. I did not know how to fill the cartomizer correctly and it leaked and so on. The week before taking Chantix I was in Florida and I bought a disposable vaporizer for the car ride home. (Four kids in the car) It helped my craving for nicotine on the drive for a while. Disposables don’t last very long. My first visit to the local vape shop was an educational stop. The owner demonstrated how to use vaporizers. I purchased an Ego kit and dual coil tanks. Little did I know, I was given the freedom from traditional cigarettes. Over the course of 2-3 weeks I experimented with flavors, cartomizers, atomizers and every other little gadget. I thought it was so cool. I own a bar and didn’t have to go outside anymore. Late September 2012, I was outside my home smoking a cigarette when I looked at the cigarette and thought to myself, why the hell am I smoking this? It taste terrible and it’s going to kill me and after vaping inside prior, I didn’t need the cigarette. I didn’t quit overnight but I did it finally! With the instructions I was given at the vape shop and experimenting , I did it! 28 years of smoking and I finally did it. Even looking back now I am amazed that I moved away from cigarettes. Back then I was so amazed I began researching how to purchase electronic cigarettes wholesale to sell them out of my pub. What a journey it has brought me on. I am doing work for one of the manufactures. Proof reading instruction manuals, testing and naming products and I am now filming instruction videos which are going to be used in the manuals via QR codes and web links. I have introduced countless people to electronic vaporizers. I have a number of friends and family which have kicked the habit of smoking. While selling the vaporizers at my pub I have come across scores of people which successfully stopped smoking using vaporizers. As a retailer I am not suppose to tell people electronic vaporizers help people quit. From my personal experience I tell people they do and I tell them my story. I tell them the story of a little frail elderly lady customer I have and how she has lost one lung to smoking and how she plans on keeping her other lung while still using vaporizers.