About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I started smoking in college at the age of 19. I had previously used Dip such as Red Seal from the age of 6 daily. The switch to smoking in college was mostly to blame on drinking alcohol. I had a drastic life change in November – December of 2012. I got a great job in North Carolina and made the move from my hometown in West Virginia. The place I got the job was a corporate environment, completely tobacco free. This provoked the absolute need to quit. At first I tried the patch. After a few weeks on Step 1 I started having nightmares and an overall decrease in morale. I started smoking again. A couple at lunch time and constantly on my free time. While browsing an internet yard sale I noticed a Johnson Creek e-cig kit for sale at $40. Included 2 ego style passthroughs, charger, carto, small bottle of juice, and a couple blu e-cig cartos. Not bad for $40, however, I knew the guy selling and he lowered it to $35. I used up the juice and blu cartos quickly so I bought replacement blu cartridges. This became expensive quickly. So I purchased a Vivi Nova mini and a bottle of e-juice. I have been completely smoke free since December 12, 2012 thanks to electronic cigarettes. I now use a Vamo VV/VW mod with various different tanks and drip atomizers. I love vaping and feel so much younger and energetic. Electronic cigarettes have definitely saved my life. I tell every smoker I know everything I can about E-cigs and have converted several. I smoked a pack to pack and half of analogs a day. Switched completely to digital at 24 mg nicotine. I am now using 18 mg nicotine and plan to step down to 12 mg very soon. E-cigs save lives! Happy Vaping!