About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Hello everyone, I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 30 years. Tried the patches, gum, cold turkey…the works. Nothing kept me off the cigs. The longest I’d abstain is a few days tops. In 2010, I was diagnosed with the beginning stages of COPD, at 45 years old. Simple activities now made me wheeze. I had to do SOMETHING, or else meet the same cancerous death my Father met at 54 years old from smoking. My son told me about E-Cigarettes and convinced me to try one. I noticed it immediately satisfied my nicotine cravings and the eye/hand fixation that accompanies smoking. So, I immediately purchased one. That was over THREE MONTHS ago and I haven’t touched a cigarette since! My breathing, sense of smell and taste have improved and I now exercise. In my opinion, it’s ludacrous that Big Tobacco is attacking something that is helping the people who’s past family members in many case, were killed by cigarettes. We all know it’s all about the money and not our well-being. And I’m quite sure our government will soon follow suit as well, as our many puppet-politicians are being led by the nose via pro-Big Tobacco lobbyists, even as I write this…to attack E-Cigarettes due to lack of profits and tax revenue. It’s disgusting. I vow to support CASSAA and their efforts, as long as there is breath within this body. BB, Orlando,Fl.