About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I am 50 years old and I smoked tobacco for 35 years. I tried to quit quite a few times, each time returning back to smoking. I tried by going cold turkey, I have used the patch, I have used the gum, and I have used prescription medicine to try to stop my tobacco addiction. Each of these techniques failed every time, and I went back to smoking. August 2, 2011 I purchased my first electronic cigarette. I have been tobacco free ever since! I am a true believer that the electronic cigarette has made my life so much better. I donƒ??t have the hacky cough that I did when I smoked. I donƒ??t wheeze anymore when I lay down at night. I can run and play with my grandchildren now without gasping for breath, and my Doctor says that my lungs have really improved a lot! Not only does my Doctor approve of my using electronic cigarettes, he is telling other patients that smoke and can’t quit to give e cigs a try. My very best friend had COPD. She loved cigarettes so much and she would tell me that she knew she was killing herself by smoking, but she could not stop (not even to save her life). She was 60 years young. Smoking killed her the last part of August, 2011. This was just a couple of weeks after I started using an electronic cigarette. I honestly believe that if I did not have e cigs, I would go back to smoking. I enjoyed smoking. I enjoyed it so much that I donƒ??t know if I could quit even if I was dying from it. E cigs are giving me the same satisfaction that I got from smoking, but at a much lower risk than smoking. Thanking God everyday for e cigs!