Raised in a traditional Christian home, I first tried a cigarette when I was about 18 years old in rebellion against a friend who would not keep her promise to stop smoking. It wasn??t until several years later when I got my first job as a Technical Support Analyst that the occasional cigarette with a coworker grew into an expensive habit that I immediately wanted to quit. I tried to quit cold turkey, and then I tried using a nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, and even hypnotherapy. Each time I would have some success, but eventually life??s stressors or my own stubborn ADHD brain would bring me back to cigarettes over the next 15 years until I discovered an invention called ??electronic cigarettes??? I was immediately fascinated by the gadgets when I first saw them in Clackamas Town Center shopping mall, and threw several hundred dollars for ??starter kits? for myself and some friends. Unfortunately, some of the parts were lost within a few days so it mostly sat on a shelf for about a year until one day my (then 7-year old) daughter objected as I was stepping outside for a cigarette, and said ??Daddy, isn??t that ??pretend cigarette?? better for you? You should use that instead.? Inspired by her pure intentions and desire to keep her daddy alive and healthy, I began researching electronic cigarettes and tobacco harm reduction. Within a few days after finding a better model and trying some different flavors and strengths, I found that I could customize ??vaping? into an experience that I enjoyed as much if not more than smoking. I wasn??t planning or expecting to quit smoking but was happy to drop to just one or fewer cigarettes a day, but eventually my senses of taste and smell improved and I lost interest in smoking. One day it occurred to me that I couldn??t remember when I??d last had or wanted a cigarette. I stopped smoking the same way I started: As an unintended consequence of spending time with techies! In order to have a calendar date to point to, I intentionally smoked one cigarette on New Years?? Eve, Dec 31, 2009 and I haven??t had a cigarette since.