I started smoking at the age of 13. The first time I attempted to quit was when I turned 40. I was having surgery and my doctor said I had to quit. He have me a prescription for Wellbutrin. It did absolutely nothing for me. I went cold turkey with online support. That lasted about 1-1/2 months. Went right back to smoking. The next time I tried to quit, I got a prescription for Chantix. That is one scary drug!!!! I had nightmares, mood swings, etc. I stopped taking it after 2 weeks. In 2007, we were going to be taking a rather lengthy flight and I decided to try an e-cig to tide me over. It was one of the disposable types. It did not in any deliver what I needed but I used it for a while. It wasn’t until I discovered (a few years later) the Joye eGo. What a huge difference!!!! It gave me more of the feeling of smoking without the toxins! I was not trying to quit at this point. In 2 days, I went from smoking 2 packs a days for 35 years to ZERO! All by accident! I just felt that the vaping was much more preferable. I have been completely smoke-free for almost 4 years. My health has improved 1000%! Even my doctor is incredulous in my health! No coughing, wheezing, no shortness of breath. It’s changed my life! I cannot imagine how I ever smoked cigarettes as the smell makes me physically ill. The e-cig is so much cheaper than regular cigarettes. I have successfully been able to get many of my friends and some family members on to e-cigs and OFF cigarettes for good.