I smoked for 15 years before finding Electronic Cigarettes, which I have been using for almost 2 years now. I was a pack-a-day smoker (or very nearly so, sometimes more, sometimes less). I had tried to stop smoking cigarettes over the years, using patches, nicotine gum, Wellbutrin, Chantix, and even hypnosis! I was only able to put down the pack permanently after adopting Electronic Cigarettes. The gum, the patches, and the hypnosis were almost worthless. At most, I lasted a week before giving into smoking again. My ??hypnosis treatment? lasted until I was out of sight of the therapist. I had more success with prescription medication. Wellbutrin helped me quit for about 6 months. Chantix helped me quit for about a year. But the battle was excruciating. After the initial hell that was the first few weeks after quitting, I experienced the occasional out-of-the-blue-craving that would almost knock me down, usually when I was already stressed out. And, eventually, those cravings to smoke got the better of me. As for ??real? cigarettes, they gave me headaches, made breathing more difficult, stunted my sense of smell and taste, and the stench left on my clothing and in the air around me was disgusting. Non-smokers are completely justified in demanding a cleaner place to eat, work, walk, live. I can smell a lit cigarette from 100 feet away if I happen to be downwind. With ECigs, I don??t feel repulsive every time I take a puff. After I found Electronic Cigarettes, I had the occasional ??real? cigarette for a couple of months (usually 1 or 2 per week). ECigs felt so different, and it took a while to truly commit myself to them. But now I use nothing but ECigs. I mix my own liquid and have slowly decreased my nicotine intake over the last few months, from 36 mg/ml to 18 mg/ml, and this new batch will be 12mg/ml. I smoke a lot (always have), and it feels good that I can regulate what I??m taking in. My family is happy for me. I??m happy for me. I don??t ever want to go back to tobacco cigarettes.