I was a smoker from the ages of 19 – 26. I would smoke at least a pack a day. I tried blu cigarettes (they didn’t help me to quit completely) when they first came out but they were too expensive and the lack of vegetable glycerine produced much less vapor than the juice I buy now. The juice I get now is also cheaper. My friend got his first and let me try it and it ruined cigarettes for me after the first puff. I did finish my pack of cigarettes over the course of the following 3 days until I could purchase my igo starter kit and since then I haven’t had even a drag from a cigarette. I’ve been vaping for 2+ months and have upgraded to a 1300mah igo spinner and a couple of vivi nova tanks. I will be taking the next step soon and getting a rebuildable setup and a mechanical mod because the vapor production from the rebuildables bring the taste and vapor production to a whole other level. I’ve been very happy with my decision to switch to vaping; I don’t smell like cigarettes anymore, my teeth are noticeably whiter, my lung capacity is significantly higher, i no longer have a cough, my sense of taste and smell has significantly improved, I can run longer distances without having to catch my breath, and it is considerably cheaper than my smoking habit was. It is nice to see that each study that I’ve seen come out has said that the e-cigs are harmless, hopefully this isn’t something that will change!