About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I am 49 years old, and I have been smoking about a pack a day since I was 16, with one 5 year gap where I did not smoke, so that makes it a total of 28 years. My husband and I were recently introduced to ecigs, and we were both so impressed we both have quit smoking within one week of getting our Itaste vv v.3’s, and have absolutely no desire for a cigarette whatsoever and the smell of real cigarettes is nasty now. This was not even a week ago. It is important to note too, that I had no desire to even quit smoking because I really enjoyed smoking. Added to that, I recently lost 60 pounds, so quitting smoking was really the last thing on my list because I was afraid of gaining weight. (The last time I quit, I gained 40 pounds.) I can now say that I am happy to be a non-smoker with no desire to go back to it, my clothes smell better, my car smells better and I know that I will not gain the weight either. I am also happy to say that immediately upon stopping cigarettes, my night time cough has diminished to almost nothing. I love the fact that although I currently have nicotine in my ecigs, there is not 4000 other terrible things in the ecig juice…and no tar. Once I am past the nicotine part, I feel I can go down to zero nicotine, and still enjoy vaping. I am so thankful for ecigs. I am also converting a few of my friends that smoke analogs….. A VERY HAPPY USER OF E-CIGS…