About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I smoked for 25 years (up to 2 packs a day )and have not smoked since 12-7-12. I had tried several times previously to quit cold turkey and always returned to cigarettes. I have always enjoyed smoking but did not enjoy the cumulative negative affects such as the cough and shortness of breath etc…. I tried the patch and gum and it never worked for me. In late November I purchased a gas station disposable e cig and cut down on regular smoking. I also began to research alternative ecigs. I found the ego style refillable online and ordered one and some .06mg juice. Tips arrived on 12-7-12 and as of today 8-6-13 I haven’t had a cigarette since. My cough was gone in 2 weeks. I no longer smell and I’m feeling great. I have always been active. Skiing, running etc and now these activities are much easier! Vaping has given me a way out of the cigarette trap,and I never plan to,return.