Been smoking cigarettes for over 40 years. Have tried to quit a number of times over the years but have never been successful. I decided to try these e-cigarettes after seeing other people using them. I was a bit skeptical about whether it would help me quit but that went out the door after the first week. I knew I had to quit because of my age and also because it was getting too expensive. The government kept add more taxes. At first I didn’t mind the tax since the money was supposed to go for cancer research and such but that changed quickly. Almost all the money is now used to balance government budgets and that makes it unfair that I pay such a high tax. Taxes should be shared necessity since everyone benefits. But getting back to the subject, my brother smoked for 30 years and he started developing signs on emphysema. He smoked heavily so he was forced to quit. I was always a 1 pack a day smoker. Started with unfiltered cigarettes and ended up smoking menthol ultra light cigs. At the end of my smoking life I was trying to stretch out my packs so I was doing a half pack a day. Still couldn’t get it any lower. I had a bad flu in March of this year and only smoked 2 cigarettes in one week. It was them that I decided to try the e-cigarettes. I vaped for a week without smoking another cigarette. I still had 2-1/2 packs of cigarettes left from my carton when I started. Still have those on a shelf that I pass by everyday. I have no desire to smoke them. But they must be stale by now. So its been about 4 months now and I consider myself free of tobacco. I now have a variable voltage mod with a rebuildable attomizer. I also mix my own e-juice. I started with 6 mg of nicotine but have since reduced that to about 3 mg. I don’t crave to smoke so these e cigarettes do have a useful purpose. I think they can help people. How many is a question I can’t answer since everyone is different. It all depends on the individual. But to me the most important thing is to have this e-cigarette available as an option to stop smoking. The only thing that needs to be addressed with the e-cig industry is some sort of regulatory checks on products. You can find devices with no UL labels, e juices with no FDA approvals. Etc. I would expect some sort of over site by someone since these products are used for sucking vapor into your lungs and you have high powered batteries close to your face. I’m not saying everything sold is dangerous because there are a lot of very responsible and professional companies selling excellent e-cig products out there. It’s just that I noticed things being out out for sale and you don’t know what’s it made of or how it was made. Also noticing everything new is cloned eventually. If someone cloned a car you’d get a visit from the legal wing of those companies. But with This e-cig industry its like open season. It seems like anything goes. Since vaping my sense of taste has started coming back. My sense of smell has too. I can breathe easier and don’t cough up phlegm like before. My skin used to be dry but now it isn’t. We need this e-cigarette option available. I am hoping it can remain a safe alternative to tobacco smoking. The industry is relatively new and seems dominated by small businesses. This is a good thing but I’m sure eventually big business will want a cut and that’s when things might change.