In September of 2012 I was introduced to e-cigarettes. I had been trying to quit my 2 PAD smoking habit for several years without success. I started smoking at age 12 in 1962. I tried patches, gum and cold turkey. Nothing was working for me. A friend suggested trying an e-cigarette. I purchased an electronic device from China along with some e-juice with 18 mg. of nicotine. When it arrived I read the instructions and began using the device. I have not touched a cigarette since then and slowly reduced the nicotine content in the e-juice I use to 6 mg. I plan on going nicotine free this year. I can breathe much better now and I have a lot more energy. My quality of life, especially my social life has improved ten-fold. It is especially gratifying not having to worry about second hand smoke. Finding out about different studies on the health benefits of e-cigarettes has also reduced my concern about the safety of e-liquid. All in all my life is all the better for finding e-cigarettes and quitting tobacco smoking.