I started smoking when I was app. 15 yrs. old and I smoked for over 50 yrs. I tried many tines during the last ten yrs. of my smoking to quit as I was up to 2 packs a day. I tried the patches, Chantix( horrible!), the gum, I lasted for about 2-3 days with each attempt and went through really bad withdrawal symtoms. I even tried hypnotism, which lasted almost two weeks. I finally, fatalistically accepted that my last breath would be puffing on a cigarette. My family was very concerned about how horribly and frequently I coughed the last few years. Sometimes I coughed so hard and so long I literally gagged. Then I discovered the e-cigs through a friend who let me try his. I bought a 510 e-cig and the day I received it I started using it…with SUCH relief… FINALLY I was free of cigarettes! I have now been totally cigarette FREE for four years this coming October. My health is greatly improved, my home, car, clothing don’t stink to high heaven, either. By the way, from the very first day I started using e-cigs I not only haven’t touched a cigarette, i have absolutely NO craving for one… and that’s a miracle.