I am 56 years old and started smoking menthol cigarettes at 16. When I was 20 years old I attempted my first quit with only a 24 hour success. Every year thereafter, some years multiple times, I attempted quitting but to no avail. I obsessed over quitting and tried so many techniques to quit, I am pretty sure I tried them all. Chantix, patches, gum , lozenges, welbutrin, cold-laser, group hypnotism, buy a pack at a time so I could quit smoking after that pack, private hypnosis with various hypnotists, cinnamon sticks, nic-inhalers, fake cigarettes, self- hypnosis, smoked clove cigarettes, affirmations, meditation, prayer, read books on quitting, acupuncture, stop-smoking group counseling, internet groupsĀ??. 1.5 years ago I picked up an electric cigarette using 12mg nicotine juice and I have not smoked a cigarette since. Currently, I use mostly 12 mg juice and have recently dropped some to 6 or 8mg. The amazing thing is I feel so good, healthy and energetic. My mind is much clearer and my blood pressure has dropped from 140/85 to about 120/65 and I can actually now exercise because I can breathe so much better. I smoked for so long I do not actually remember feeling this good before. Whenever I tried to quit smoking in the past I would gain a lot of weight in a very short period of time. So when I started back to cigarette smoking I was then an overweight smoker. When I quit with the electric cigarettes I was able to control my eating habits and actually went on a diet and lost weight. A double win for me. Bottom line, smoking electric cigarettes has been a great life changing event.