I started smoking when I was 15 years old. By the time i joined the military, I smoked 3 packs a day. After leaving the military, I did back off to a pack a day. At around the age of 30, I tried to quit cold turkey. It only lasted about a week, then I started back. I did this several times. Finally they came out with patches, and then gum. I tried both, but was unsuccessful in quitting. At around the age of 40, I tried Wellbutrin. It made me very nauseated to my stomach, and didn’t stop my craving for cigarettes. When I was 59 years old, I tried my first disposable electronic cigarette. I showed promise, but the battery only lasted a few hours. At $10 a piece, I thought they were too expensive. I tried cigarette look-a-likes next, but the refills were expensive for those also, and the battery charge times didn’t last long enough. I found ECF, the electronic cigarette forum, and asked for advise. I quickly became overwhelmed with all the suggestions, but they were all good one’s. I wound up with an eGo Twist and a decent delivery device for the nicotine. I started at 24 mg, and have now cut it down to 18 mg, with plans to cut the nicotine down to 0. I have been cigarette free for 8-1/2 months, and I don’t have cravings for cigarettes any longer. I breathe better, and feel better now. If it hadn’t been for e-cig’s, I would still be smoking cigarettes. I certainly hope my new helper doesn’t get over regulated, because I think it’s the best stop smoking method I have ever tried, and not only is it the best, it’s the only successful method I’ve tried.