About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

When I first tried an E-cig I had been smoking for 35 years. I had tried almost ALL devices and pharmaceuticals to quit and nothing worked. Every morning I woke up with the fear that I would never be able to quit and eventually get lung cancer. My sister (who had quit cold turkey a few months earlier) was the one who let me know about E-cigs. She had seen Katherine Heigl on tv talking about it. After about a month of researching it on the net, I finally ordered one. The best decision of my life EVER. It initially took about a week of both smoking and vaping before I quit smoking for ever. Do I miss smoking? Sometimes but not too often. I won’t even try one puff off a cigarette. There was no way i could have quit without the E-cig. If someone else is thinking about it, please consider buying a good quality e-cig, you will won’t regret it.