About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I started smoking at the age of 16, and became heavily addicted at the age of 17. The habit was maintained for 6 and a half years before I had quit with the help of electronic cigarettes. A close friend of mine once showed me a disposable e-cig he had bought at a nearby gas station, but I wasn’t interested at the time. In January of this year (2013), I decided to buy a disposable for myself and see how it worked, and it was fantastic. Eventually, I bought a starter e-cig kit for myself and without trying, quit cigarettes altogether. There was a period of about 2 or 3 weeks where I kept smoking even though I owned my own e-cig, as it takes some getting used to. After upgrading my equipment and expanding on the e-liquids I owned at the time, vaping full time came on it’s own. Its been 4 months now without a cigarette and I no longer have the urge for them, and in fact, find them to be pretty gross. Many close friends of mine smoke cigarettes, so I’m around it all the time. Now that my sense of smell has improved, I can’t believe I used to walk around smelling like that all day. My sense of taste has also improved, along with my sleeping habits, energy levels (both physical and mental), vocal strength (I sing), and mood stability. I generally look better too. There are no longer bags under my eyes all the time, and my hair doesn’t fall out as much and seems to ‘shine’ more. My teeth are whiter and my tongue doesn’t constantly need brushing. My workouts are easier and last longer, and my cardiovascular endurance has increased noticably. There have been no reportable negative changes in my life since switching over to ecigs. I can attest to their effectiveness as a cigarette alternative, and would recommend them to any cigarette smoker who feels the need to improve him or herself.