I started smoking at the age of 13, which has been 42 years ago. October of 2010 I took a chance on ordering an e-cigarette. After only 1 week, I stopped smoking completely. Over the next 6 months I tried 3 times to smoke a regular cigarette and could not take more than 3-4 puffs and had to throw it away. It tasted awful and couldn’t stand the smell. After 1 year I switched over to a mod because I wanted more of a throat hit and better flavor. I breath better, food taste better, feel better overall, no longer have trouble with my Sinuses, and would do it all over again. Even my doctor says by breathing is better. At one time I was wheezing and now my doctor no longer hears the wheezing when he listens to my lungs. How can anyone say that e-cigs are not better than traditional cigarettes? I know several people that have switched and for the first time in their lives have been able to quit smoking and have had health improvements. When your breathing and wheezing gets better, your lungs have to be healing. They might now every completely heal but at least now I am better off for it. If e-cigs get banned for any reason I will probably end up going back to smoking and I do not want to go there again. The only reason why the FDA or Government would consider banning is because they are still getting kick backs from the big tobacco companies. It is so hypocritical to advertize the need to quit smoking, insurance companies to penalize, and the promotion for people to become smoke free. The e-cig helps, might not be 100% perfect but, it is sure better than people continuing to smoke.