I began smoking when I was 13 years old. I am now 48 and have been using an electronic cigarette since March of 2011. I have not smoked tobacco since May of that year. I have spent thousands of dollars on pharmaceutical products to quit smoking but none of them ever worked long term and I always returned to smoking. Due to other health issues my doctor’s would not even consider prescribing Chantix to me. Since I began using these devices, my husband has not suffered from a single sinus infection. He experienced severe sinus infections throughout his life, having lived with and been around smokers, and it was only when I stopped smoking tobacco that we realized that not only had my health improved, but his did also. I freely use these devices in my home and vehicles without causing him any discomfort or sinus issues. My health has also improved, I have more energy, am more active and no longer wake up coughing and wheezing.