About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Welcome to Right to Vape

a litttle about us

Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have quit smoking and/or switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.  Any adult who has successfully made the switch is encouraged to share their story for the world to see. YOUR story shows public health officials and organisations that:

• We are adults
• We have the RIGHT to make informed decisions for our health
• We ARE the evidence that safer alternatives work
• We are NOT going to be silenced

Read thousands of vape testimonials and quit smoking success stories from ex/former smokers. You can also write your own story. However, if you would like a few suggestions, below is a list of questions to consider:

• How long did you smoke?
• How long ago did you start using a smoke-free alternative?
• What methods (NRT, Chantix, counseling, etc.) did you use to try to quit smoking before switching to a smoke-free alternative?
• What changes in the quality of your life (both positive and negative) have you noticed since adopting the smoke-free alternative?

CAPHRA (www.caphraorg.net)  and CASAA (www.casaa.org) have joined together to maintain this international database of consumer testimonials.

Submit your testimonial

(Please remember that by submitting your testimonial, you are agreeing to have it posted online. * required fields)


You're not alone
You're not alone
You're not alone


Make the change
Make the change
Make the change


We Can Do This
We Can Do This
We Can Do This



Statistics is the grammar of advocacy.

Testimonials < & counting >
Government Submissions


< worldwide >

Many of the testimonials below have been sourced from other THR sites, such as  CASAA, CAPHRA, The Vapers Ph, Voices4Vape, Golden Oldies Testimonials (on YouTube), among others. The authors come from diverse locations such as the UAE, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, the UK, Honduras, Malaysia and many more countries. Note that many authors chose not to supply either a name and/or country, which was their choice when they supplied a testimonial.

The common theme is clear – vaping saves lives. Leave your testimonial, and let all know that you have a Right To Vape.

The evidence & the data are undeniable.

Let’s all move forward as ONE to ensure our rights are heard



Please take a few short moments to submit your testimonial.

right to vape . org