About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

It?s every smoker?s right to choose a quit smoking aid/safer alternative to smoking that works (especially for people who are at risk of repeatedly relapsing back to smoking (such as those with medical conditions recognised recently through research as likely benefiting from the use of nicotine-mental health conditions, diseases of the brain, autoimmune diseases, dementia, the list goes on!), or, for those who do not want to give up nicotine & choose to vape instead of smoking deadly cigarettes, &/or for people who other quit smoking treatments don?t work/cannot be used for medical reasons (like myself)). Vaping has been proven by science to be up to 4X more effective than other Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT)-the science definitely proves it works. Vaping has saved my life, & has saved hundreds of thousands of other?s lives globally! Impeding people?s access to vaping will potentially cost up to a billion lives by century?s end. It?s everyone?s human right to health, & to be able to make informed choices regarding their health-which includes vaping as a safer alternative to cigarettes, to be able to quit cigarettes how they choose with vaping, & to be able to freely access a highly effective quit smoking aid that is vaping.