I started smoking when I was 17, I am 43 now, for reasons I don’t remember. Maybe because both my parents smoked as I was growing up. Over Thanksgiving of 2012, one of my cousins had this thing called an e-cig that he used to quit smoking. Then in Dec of 2012 I saw a commercial on TV about a popular e-cig and was immediately intrigued. I started doing some research because I thought it was something I would like to try to kick the nasty habit of smoking. After about 3 weeks of reading articles and watching youtube videos I decided to give it a try. I ordered my e-cig, it came in the mail about a week later. Let just say that after the first drag I was thoroughly impressed with how it worked. That day I quit smoking analog cigs and have not looked back, never touching another one. Best decision I ever made. I had never really tried to quit smoking using any other products or services before the e-cig because I just enjoyed smoking and wasn’t really interested in stopping. Since quitting I have stopped coughing and have no more phlegm in my throat in the mornings when I wake up. No more stink and my teeth have almost gone back to normal color. All in all the benefits have been positive and would never think of going back to an analog cigarette. As a matter of fact, since I started using an e-cig I have gotten at least 4 people to either quit or significantly reduce the use of analog cigs. Again it was the best decision I ever made.