About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

My name is jimmy I’ve been a smoker since I was sixteen I’m turning 37 in September 2013 I’ve tried everything to quit and the hotlines are the worst I tried patches no help there I tried gum not my style I tried the lozenge just gave me heartburn Then I started seeing blu ecigs So I bought a throw away Then bought the kit Found a vape shop in Mississippi got turned on to the ego 510 almost able to quit with that one Moved up to the itaste vv and after two weeks of back and forth I finally smoked my last analog Not to say it wasn’t a struggle the first two weeks but now after 85 days I’m a new man I enjoy food And on my way to cutting my nic level down also I started at a 24 nic level to achieve quitting now I’m down to 16 and hoping to cut back to 12-14 within a month or two I use the itaste SVD as of now but looking for smaller and more powerful to cut back even more If it wasn’t for the ecigs I probably would be still smoking 2+ packs a day and killing my self I have had chronic bronchitis for the past 10 years and my doctor says its amazingly clearing up If you can’t quit smoking right away try ecigs you will be happier and have more life to live and best of all you don’t really leave any trash behind because everything is recyclable Wrote on 7-31-13 Jt