About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I’ve been smoking for almost 20 years. I smoke a minimum of 1 pack to a maximum of 2 packs per day. I’m Stage II hypertensive and despite of my medical condition, it did not stop me from smoking. I got hospitalized a lot of times because I wouldn’t quit smoking. I told myself that I will die with a cigarette in my hand. A friend of mine gave me an electronic cigarette last February and I tried using it. The experience was not so good at first. I didn’t like the itchy feeling in my throat whenever I take a puff. I started researching about vaping and I found out that you just have to get used to it. When we started smoking, we went through the same thing. During this time, I cut down to less than 5 sticks per day. I started liking vaping. I saw that you have a lot of options when it comes to e-juice and I like that. I completely stopped smoking beginning March of this year. Never touched another cigarette again ever since. I got rid of electronic cigarette and switched to something better.I’m now using Filipino made mod and atomizer. Vaping helped me quit smoking. Vaping is the next best thing. As of the moment, all my e-juices have 0 nicotine. For me, I was not addicted or dependent on nicotine or other chemicals in cigarette, I was addicted to the hand to mouth action. Most of us will say that you will never be able to quit smoking. I agree to that but you can always switch to something healthier. Right now, I’m addicted to NOT smoking. My blood pressure is 130/80 ever since I started vaping. Yes, that is still borderline hypertensive but take note, I’m NOT taking my medication anymore. Sometimes, I don’t even vape and the craving is very minimal. My sense of taste and smell is so accurate at the moment. Food taste so good and my sense of smell is very sensitive. I’m loving every minute of it. I still hang around with my friends who are smoking and I’m having them try what I experienced. So far, I’ve converted a few of them to switch to vaping. One more thing I would like to share is my friend and I will be opeing a business selling e-juice, mods, atomizers and everything you need to vape. We will also educate and answer all question of the newbies. Our business name will be Vapetacy. Thank you.