About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Stop lying to us and only provide guidance based on sound scientific facts, methodologies and principles. Regulate based on sound scientific facts that include stakeholder participation (including consumers) as part of the decision making process. Don?t ignore the basic human right to harm reduction that is one of the WHO’s founding principles. “To serve public health at all times – to put people?s health interests first.? Stop interfering with the rights of adults to make informed choices regarding their health and well being.ÿ Don?t discriminate against smokers, or users of safer nicotine products, because they aren’t doing what you want them to do ?We strive to make people feel safe, respected, empowered, fairly treated and duly recognized.? Follow your own mandate of ?We communicate openly with everyone and learn from one another?ÿ Don?t use the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to disregard our rights to choose alternatives. – ?We are guided by the best available science, evidence and technical expertise, We continuously develop ourselves and innovate to respond to a changing world.?