I am in sales and was tired of smelling like smoke. My kids told me everyday how I smelled like smoke, especially my hair! I was at a house warming party in March ’13 and of course no one is allowed to smoke indoors anymore- not even in the garage; One person was puffing on a disposable blu ecig. I asked if I could try it, it was amazing! I could continue with the habit of holding and blowing (vapor)and it really felt just like smoking! The next day (March 12, 2013) I went to a smoke shop and bought the encore brand ecig. I had a full pack of cigarettes in my car with only one gone, I gave the pack away and NEVER looked back!! A couple weeks later an ecig shop opened up in Princeton, MN (Ecig World & More) and I went in to find out about the various flavors. I ended up buying a bunch of batteries and flavors (I didn’t want to find myself with a dead battery or run out of liquid) It has been 5 MONTHS that I am smoke free!!! NOT ONE CIGARETTE!!!!! I started with low & medium nicotine and have since gone down to ZERO NICOTINE!! NO OTHER METHOD HAS EVER WORKED! (have tried Chantix, wellbutrin, gum, patch and cold turkey method) I have smoked for almost 30 years! I FEEL FANTASTIC!! The best part about it, is that IT Doesn’t stink! I truly believe this is the BEST METHOD EVER!!