I’m a 55 year old female that started smoking at the age of 19. I smoked for 33 years and was averaging 1-1/2 to 2 packs daily. I had developed a chronic productive cough and was coughing every 10-15 minutes all day. I wheezed incessantly and was relying on inhalers in the morning to open up my airways enough so that I could cough effectively. I had also noticed that I had developed very deep horizontal grooves on my fingernails as a result of my smoking. Since the age of 25 I had tried to stop smoking at least a dozen times using nicotine patches, nicotine gums, support groups, hypnosis, self-help books, cold turkey, 2 runs of Chantix and the longest I ever made it without reverting to smoking was 6 months. I desperately wanted to quit but nothing offered to me by any health professional was useful enough to over ride my deep addiction to smoking. At the age of 52 I stumbled upon some information about electronic cigarettes. It sounded plausible as a means of stopping smoking. On a leap of faith, I ordered an eGo kit and 36mg liquid. I received the kit on October 18th, 2010 and began using it. I didn’t smoke any cigarettes that day.The next morning, when I reached for the eGo instead of my cigarettes, I knew I was through with smoking. The rest of my cigarettes went in the trash and I have never smoked another one in almost 3 years. I easily weaned down to 0mg nicotine within a year. But I’m still a very active vapor because for me it was the hand to mouth and feel of smoking that I am addicted to and the electronic cigarette replicates that. I did find that the tobacco flavored liquids were not to my liking but I am very satisfied with coffee and dessert flavored liquids. I also discovered variable voltage devices during this time and the ability to customize my experience took me even further away from ever wanting a cigarette again. My health is considerably improved at this point. I no longer have a nagging cough and I don’t wheeze at all anymore. My nailbeds are smooth again, and my sense of smell and taste is back. My clothes,my car and my home longer reek of smoke. I firmly believe the e-cigarette has given me years of my life back.